Year 2 SATs Tuition

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Year 2 SATs Tutoring - Individual or Small Group

Learning is both structured and guided with each unique child through positive relationships and individualised training and study.

Teachers will advise, coach, guide and mentor each child, enabling them to build their confidence.

We aim to make learning enjoyable and fun whilst still providing challenge and success!

The National Curriculum outlines these expectations as being the requirements for end Year 2 at Key Stage 1 for a child working ‘at’ the expected standard.

All children develop at their own rate and in their own ways therefore, statements should not necessarily be taken in order.


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    Secure with year group phonic expectations.
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    Recognise simple recurring literary language and reads accurately words of more than two syllables (phase 5 and beyond).
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    Read ahead to help with fluency, expression and intonation.
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    Comment on plot, setting and characters in familiar and unfamiliar stories.
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    Recount main themes and events and predict what may happen.
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    Comment on structure of the text.

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    Use commas, question marks and exclamation marks to vary expression.
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    Read aloud with confidence and begin to infer what characters are like.
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    Recognise: commas in lists, apostrophe of omission and possession (singular noun).
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    Identify past/present tense and why the writer has used a tense.
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    Use content and index to locate information.
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    Answer questions using facts from a text to justify the answer.
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    Identify favourite words and phrases from a range of texts.


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    Write with purpose including the main features of the genre type.

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    To write a simple narrative about personal experiences or that of fictional characters showing the sequence of events.
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    Write different kinds of sentence: statement, question, exclamation, command.
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    Use expanded noun phrases to add description and specification.
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    Write using co-ordination (or, and, but) and some subordination (when, if, that, because) to join clauses.
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    Correct and consistent use of present and past tense. Correct use of verb tenses.

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    To present writing with clearly formed capital and lower case letters and spacing between words.
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    Write with correct and consistent use of:

    capital letters, full stops, question marks,  exclamation marks.  Use commas in a list.

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    Use apostrophe to mark omission and singular possession in nouns.

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    Write under headings.
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    Use phonic strategies to spell words accurately.

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    To distinguish homophones.
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    To understand and use literacy vocabulary: verb, past and present tense and noun.


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    Compare and order numbers up to 100 and use < > =.

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    Read and write all numbers to 100 in digits and words.
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    Say 10 more/less than any number to 100.
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    Count in steps of 2, 3 & 5 from zero and in 10s from any number (forwards and backwards).
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    Recall and use multiplication and division facts for 2, 5 and 10 tables.
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    Recall and use +/- facts to 20.

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    Derive and use related facts to 100.

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    Recognise place value of any 2-digit number.

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    Add and subtract: 2-digit numbers & ones/2-digit numbers & tens/Two 2-digit numbers/Three 1-digit numbers.

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    Recognise and use inverse (+/-).
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    Calculate and write multiplication and division word problems using various strategies.
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    To use mathematical vocabulary when explaining methods.

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    Recognise, find, name and write 1/3; 1/4; 2/4; 3/4.

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    Write and recognise equivalence of simple fractions.
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    Tell time to five minutes, including quarter past/to.

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    To understand the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
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    To calculate one and two step word problems using real life situations involving money, unit of measure and fractions.

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    To use basic algebra involving missing numbers.
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    Solve statistics problems using pictograms and simple tables.

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