Online Tuition

Online Learning

Online learning sessions are available for:

  • Primary aged pupils from Reception to Yr 6
  • KS3 Maths, English and Science
  • KS4 Science and PE
  • Yr 9 preparation for Yr 10
  • 11+ tuition

Busy Brains have supported schools, pupils and their parents with their learning during school closures and continue to provide online learning. If some school work is proving a challenge (for pupils or parents!) it can be emailed to the Busy Brains teacher 24 hours in advance of the online session so that we can prepare any additional resources to help with understanding.

All sessions led by qualified teachers.

No minimum commitment required. You can have 1 session or 99 sessions!

Busy Brains teachers can also build a programme of specific work to target areas that may need extra input.

Lessons are held over Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

What do I need to do?

Complete the contact form to inform us of your interest and we will get back to you with availability and let you know the next steps.

How much?

1:1 sessions = £36 per hour

1:1 sessions = £29 per 45 minutes

1:1 sessions = £19.50 per 30 minutes

Group sessions = £26 per hour (minimum 2, maximum 4)

Please note: 30 minute sessions are not available for group tuition

Find Out More About Online Tuition

Guidelines for Online Learning


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    All the rules from our Busy Brains Safeguarding policy still apply as they would for normal face to face lessons.
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    All teachers have been given advice and training where needed about delivering remote lessons safely.

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    All our teachers have up-to-date DBS certificates and relevant training.

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    Parents may remain in the room where the lesson is taking place if they wish whilst their child is receiving an online lesson. We ask however that siblings/other children are not present.


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    Teachers can mute any participants at any time and have been advised to end the lesson immediately if anything happens that they feel uncomfortable about.


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    Parents have consented to setting up .busybrains email accounts for their children and are advised to only allow their children to use these accounts for Busy Brains communications.



Setting up the System

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    Parents are given guidance on how to set up the email account, access Google drive and Google hangouts. Parents/pupils should not share this guidance with non-Busy Brains personnel.

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    Hangouts messages and video are encrypted.


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    If you cannot see or hear the teacher, ensure that the audio and video buttons/icons have been pressed.

Lesson Preparation and Delivery

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    Ensure that any external noise will not affect the lesson in any way.

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    Find a suitable room in the house where your child can work undisturbed and without distractions.


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    Try to ensure that there are no bright lights behind your child as this could potentially make it difficult to be seen properly.
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    Ensure that you have everything ready before the lesson begins – resources, books, pencil case etc.


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    Please remember that this is still a formal lesson and not an informal social media conversation. Everyone – teacher and pupil should speak and behave appropriately as they would in face to face lessons.


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    Be ready 5 minutes before the allocated and booked lesson time.




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    You will receive an invite from the teacher when they are ready to start the lesson.




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    Lessons will end when the teacher ends the video call – this will automatically end the session for the pupil. Lessons will be strict on timings as the teacher may have a another lesson booked following yours.





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    If it is a group session, please be mindful that the audio system only allows one direction of audio at a time, so you may need to wait for a few seconds to talk. Listen carefully to the instructions from the teacher.